JAN 21: COMPANY SHOWCASE 6PM @ Rose State College Performing Arts Center. Come support TPPAC Company Dancers as they perform and showcase their hard work! Tickets are general admission/available for purchase online and at the front desk. Tickets will not be available at the show and physical tickets must be picked up from the studio Jan 13-20th for entry.

JAN 28-30: RECREATIONAL DANCER PARENT WATCH Come see your dancer’s progress during the last 15 minutes of class!

STUDIO ILLNESS POLICY: Please review our Studio Illness Policy. If your dancer is ill, please contact the studio to let us know and keep dancers home until they’re better. These policies are in place to help provide a healthy environment for everyone. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Learn more about the programs offered at the Pointe Performing Arts Center and connect with our team to enroll.